Mandalay Technologies organised a series of facilitated discussion groups to assist councils in their preparation for the Queensland waste levy which was implemented on March 4, 2019.
Webinar length: This webinar session ran for approximately 1 hour.
Format: This discussion group was facilitated online by the Townsville Waste Services team from Townsville City Council; including:
- Matt McCarthy – Team Manager, Townsville Waste Services
- Andrew McDougall – Technical Officer, Townsville Waste Services
- Phil Gausden – Technical Officer, Townsville Waste Services
Attendees had the ability to participate in the conversation during the throughout the entire session.
The focus of this group was exemptions. Topics discussed during the session included:
- Exempt waste.
- Applying for other exempt waste.
- The role of councils with charities applying for exemptions.
- Current exemption processes for charities or community groups: Do you have a process already?
- The process for applying the exemption at the gate.
- Recording and reconciling exemptions.
- Responsibilities of the customer and receiver to ensure the exemption is current.