s & APIs
Integration Options
There are two ways you can go about transferring data between your finance system and waste management software – Flate File and API.
Flat File
A flat file is a file download or data upload that involves either exporting or importing data between systems using flat files.
A flat file produces a with fields included in the order and format required to be ingested by your finance system. Your system then uses this to generate an invoice. Mandalay will work with your organisation to generate a flat text file in a CSV or TXT file format that can facilitate the download and upload of files and data between your waste management software and your finance system.
Scheduled or Manual File Downloads:
With flat files, you have the flexibility to download the finance file whenever you need it by initiating the download manually. Alternatively, you can schedule automatic generation to occur at regular intervals using Mandalay’s Azure service. Once generated, the file is uploaded to our secure Azure storage location and readily available for you to transfer to your own network infrastructure ready to import into your finance system.
User-Defined Export Control:
You can define the exact time period for which you want to export data, ensuring you get the information you need. Additionally, the system automatically flags each exported transaction, preventing duplicate entries in future exports.
Streamlined Ledger Code Management:
To assist in managing ledger codes, the system will allow a finance team member to adjust ledger codes against specific products as required.